In Progress. Chicago Illinois.

Mosaic. Chicago Illinois.

In Progress. Chicago Illinois.

In Progress. Chicago Illinois.

Cast Iron Broken Canopy Parts.

Cast Iron Broken Canopy Parts.

Canopy after Restoration and Installation.

Canopy after Restoration and Installation.

Ornamental Iron Lamp

Ornamental Iron Lamp

Painted Ceramic Statue

Painted Ceramic Statue

Over 100 year old Stone Plates with hand carved ornaments and Statue Restored and Created the Monument.

Over 100 year old Stone Plates with hand carved ornaments and Statue Restored and Created the Monument.

Over 100 year old Stone Plates with hand carved ornaments and Statue Restored and Created the Monument.

Over 100 year old Stone Plates with hand carved ornaments and Statue Restored and Created the Monument.

Solid Brass Crosses Before Restoration.

Wooden Statue of the Crist was Restored after the Fire Damage.

Wooden Statue of St Mary with child. Restore all cracks and refinished.

Hand wood Carved Statue Restored broken parts, the lost parts are replicated and refinished.

Copper Cross on the Church Steeple Restored, Refinished with 24ct Gold-leaf and installed.

Copper Cross on the Church Steeple Restored, Refinished with 24ct Gold-leaf and installed.

Copper Cross on the Church Steeple Restored, Refinished with 24ct Gold-leaf and installed.

Copper Cross on the Church Steeple Restored, Refinished with 24ct Gold-leaf and installed.

Hand Carved Wooden Relief with lot's of cracks was Restored and Refinished,

Hand Carved Wooden Relief with lot's of cracks was Restored and Refinished,

19' tall Wooden Cross with Aluminum front detail was rotten and damaged, The Wood is replaced and the Aluminum is repaired and powder Coated in custom gold color.

Ornament on the Wooden Cabinet was lost, we replicated id and refinished to match original color.

The Painting Frame Restoration.

The Painting Frame Restoration.

The Painting Frame Restoration.

The Painting Frame Restoration.

Intricately hand work of Gold and Silver Book Cover was damaged and bent. Looks as original after the restoration.

Leaded Glass before Restoration.

Leaded Glass after the Restoration.

Antique Beveled and Leaded Glass Restored.

Wooden Statue of St. Eugene. Fox Point Wisconsin.

Wooden Statue of St. Eugene. Fox Point Wisconsin.

Before Restoration. Milwaukee Wisconsin.